Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Yey! Welcome XI-Social!

Hey, back to life on blogger! Yup, ternyata udah setahun gue jadi anak kelas X disekolah dan sekarang gue naik ke kelas XI dengan jurusan IPS. Bukan itu aja, gue harus lebih dewasa dan mandiri lagi dan karena itu juga gue harus lebih semangat belajar untuk tujuan yang udah gue ambil. Gak gampang jadi anak IPS, gak gampang juga jadi anak IPA. Ya kalau belum ada niat untuk keduanya, gue yakin kalian belum bisa jadi anak kelas XI seutuhnya. Pendapat gue tentang penjurusan ini banyak hal yang harus dilihat lebih mendasar, karena banyak yang mulai jadi sok-sok-an dan banyak juga yang jadi sok pinter. Toh, seleksinya memang biasa aja sesuai angket yang ditulis diselembar kertas. Cuma gitu aja, cuma-gitu-aja gak-ada-yang-gimana-gimana.

Mungkin sebagian besar dari temen-temen gue lebih memilih IPA dibandingkan IPS, so that's your way guys:D. Tapi juga banyak yang milih IPA karna gengsi, yang milih IPS juga banyak yang gengsi. Yak, karena hidup penuh dengan abu-abu suram kayak ditutupin semen yang masih basah.

Ya tapi kenapa yang milih IPS dibilang gak lebih pinter dari anak yang milih IPA!?
Hey guys.. Dengerin nih baik-baik. Semuanya akan baik-baik aja kalau kalian milih yang tepat sesuai dengan niat, bakat, dan minat. Semua akan jauh lebih baik kalau itu kemauan dari diri sendiri. Dan apa yang kalian jalanin itu adalah persiapan menuju kesuksesan, bukan kegengsian. Memilih jurusan bukan ajang pamer kelas, tapi pamer siapa yang akan sukses untuk kedepannya. Gak ada yang bodoh kalau mau belajar dan berusaha!

Let it flow guys, have a new atmosfer in your grade!
Gold luck for us who makes a wolrd be better. Say, I'm luckly everyday:D

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

James Morrison ft. Nelly Furtado

Let me hold you
For the last time
It's the last chance to feel again
But you broke me
Now I can't feel anything

When I love you,
It's so untrue
I can't even convince myself
When I'm speaking,
It's the voice of someone else

Oh it tears me up
I try to hold on,
but it hurts too much
I try to forgive,
but it's not enough to make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real

Oh the truth hurts
A lie's worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before

Oh what are we doing
We are turning into dust
Playing house in the ruins of us

Running back through the fire
When there's nothing left to save
It's like chasing the very last train when it's too late (too late)

Oh it tears me up
I try to hold on, but it hurts too much
I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real

Well the truth hurts,
A lie's worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before

But we're running through the fire
When there's nothing left to save
It's like chasing the very last train
When we both know it's too late (too late)

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I cant tell you something that ain't real

Well truth hurts,
A lie's worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before

Let me hold you for the last time
It's the last chance to feel again

A poem about future!

I made this poem for my future.. Hope you enjoyed!

 Dreams and Ideals

I'm alone here with darkness
What do I want?
What would I feel?
What should I do?
I feel that everything must happen

With a lot of little surprise which encourages
With much enthusiasm that we issued
And the day a silent witness to the real

Simple clothes made of personality
Time that accompany many pieces of paper
Journey to successful
Plan for the future is the goal

Don't you share with certainty?
In every my steps I remember you
In every my efforts I'm waiting you
In my worship I pray you

I want to be yours
I wish you were in my life
Being the biggest dreams in my dreams
And lost in emotions and my ideals